Pee Wee
For campers entering Pre-K & Kindergarten.
Bases in Carroll Gardens, Park Slope @ PS 321
& Windsor Terrace.

Success. Confidence. Joy.
Our Pee Wee program makes campers of preschoolers by introducing young ones to the kind of activities that "big kids" do, in a Pee Wee way. A typical day of activities balances “round robins” of creative and physical activities, with group games, arts and crafts, sports, and spices it all up with our secret sauce - camp spirit! Pee Wees play in Prospect Park, learn at the pool, and explore the world outside of camp on age appropriate, local trips. Add to that special performances like magic shows, storytelling groups, and puppet shows for a joyous summer experience of friendship and personal growth.
Staff Ratios Second to None.
The Pee Wee program is specifically designed to meet the developmental needs of our youngest campers. Pee Wee groups are small and coed with excellent, 1;4, camper to counselor ratios. Children must be 3 years old by January 1 and independent in the bathroom. Your choice of dismissal times at 2:30 PM or 4:00 PM.

Fees & Hours
Registration Fee
$95 per child. The registration fee is not refundable.
Weekly Registration
All nine weeks*+
Any eight weeks*
Any seven weeks*
Any six weeks
Any five weeks
Any four weeks
Any three weeks
Any two weeks
Any one week
Per Week
*5% Schedule discount is included in this price
8:00 - 2:30 PM
8:00 - 4:00 PM
as shown
add $100 per week**
**No additional charge if a sibling is enrolled for the same week(s) for 4 PM dismissal or later.
+July 4 discount included in price shown for 9 weeks.