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Responsible Outgoing Cheerful Kindness Selfless Teamplayer Adventurous Respectful

11 campers making goofy faces, all wearing medals on orange ribbons

They might start the summer as campers, but they finish like ROCKSTARs!


At the Park Slope Day Camp, we’re huge believers in celebrating moments of greatness. When we see young people being the best versions of themselves, we take the time to recognize their contributions to our community with ROCKSTAR medals. 


Awarding ROCKSTAR medals is one of our favorite traditions. We love seeing the pride and sense of accomplishment on the face of each worthy recipient. And, our ROCKSTAR medals help facilitate important conversations about our camp community and core values in a positive, affirming way that kids understand. Every child receives a personal, cherished medal on their last day of camp.

Everyone at Camp is a R.O.C.K.S.T.A.R.!

Responsible   Outgoing   Cheerful   Kindness   Selfless   Teamplayer   Adventurous   Respectful

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